On the last night, our crabs came out to play. Mine's resting next to Virginia's on her lovely little beachy quilt. Not sure whose one is on the other side. Maybe Sock Camper Kristen's?
Lastly, but not least, my 3 skeins dyed in Tina's class. We dyed 2 skeins in our comfortable colors and one in our uncomfortable color, with the uncomfortable one done second.
Can you tell which one was my uncomfortable skein? They are not in dye order. Other Sock Campers can 'cause it was a common shade of discomfort.
So that's it for this year's Sock Camp. Not many pictures taken, especially of my new and old Sock Camp friends, but the warm memories will always be there.
Off to finish laundry & decompress from all the creative fun and excitement.
Your crabby was too cute Celia!! And I just LOVE your colors!! All of them!!!
I can't believe its over....back to the real world of grocery shopping, laundry, having time to actually knit..hehehe
...love your hand dyed!
Is it the first skein, the one with the peachy orange (or is that my screen!)?
They are all quite loverly :0)
Is the skein on the left your uncomfy one? I love them all.
LOVE your colors!
Had to drive kids all over today. Whare's my driver? i could o nly knit at the lights! haha
miss you terribly!
It's back to the real world for us. I'm so glad you came to camp again this year. We'll have Sock Summit to look forward to and we're expecting you to come crash in our room!
They're all pretty!
I don't know which skein to pick, as they are all pretty! But I know what you mean that some colors make me a bit more uncomfortable..........
Sounds like you had a blast at sock camp!
Nartian, LOVE your hand-dye. The one on the right is my fave. No idea which was uncomfortable for you. Anything with blue would have been my uncomfortable zone.
The crabbies are wonderful. Sooo sorry I couldn't be with you this year. But for sure next.
*sigh* so jealous! But I am glad you had a good time. Are you going to sock summit?
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