And I'm so proud that I have my first knitting student that isn't my kid! I'm not sure I can call Squid's brother my own student since he already knew how to finger knit and his grandmother knits. But still, I was so excited when he started asking me about how I knit with needles when he would watch me knit at practice. I had brought my own needles (he said he already had yarn), but he had his mom (soccer coach) buy him a set of Addi circs and a how to book (which he didn't bring with him) at the lys.
I am torn however between letting those "added" (yo'd) stitches stay on his fledgling scarf or fix them for him. Next soccer practice, we'll be discussing that.
As a break from the stole knitting (I hit a mental wall this week with them), I had decided I would knit him a hat since our first attempt at starting him with a hat instead of a scarf was an abysmal failure. With no book at hand and no idea what yarn he was using (no ball band) 'cept it felt like an aran or light worsted yarn, I was winging the stitch count and everything.
However, Monkey1 has declared the pattern I chose as "too girly!" Who knew that a simple cable pattern would be deemed "too girly" by the elementary school set? So I may designate this hat as Squid's and make her brother a simple ribbed hat instead. The only problem is if Squid gets a hat, I wonder if I need to knit 9 more hats for the rest of team. (I'm not even going to consider the siblings, but thankfully most of them only have one.)
And I did manage to finish Monkey1's second fingerless glove. Now that I've learned how those fingers get knitted on (though it is pretty logical), I can modify whatever pair of free fingerless mitt pattern I decide to knit next.
I am back to my SotSiii knitting and I finished hint #6. I am setting myself up for a doozy of a wedding weekend though. The last hint (#9) comes out that Friday when we have to take the girls to rehearsal and I'll have to finish knitting and blocking it by Sunday noonish so we can get to the wedding on time.
It may all be moot though if my dress shopping adventures today are any indication. I didn't realize how difficult it would be for me to find a dress I like that:
1) isn't black (I am my mother's child on this wrt weddings),
2) is a shade of non-black that will go with the stole (or my back-up SotSii),
3) doesn't make me look like I'm part of the bridal party ,
4) or conversely, doesn't make me look like I just got off of work.
Then again, rule #4 may get thrown out the window since DH expressed the opinion that perhaps I should not buy a dress I will only wear one time, maybe 2...that is, assuming it'll be the right shade of green or a shade complimentary to either SotS's or my Shetland Triangle (but that pink's more of a "spring" pink and thus presents a challenge wrt to the seasonal colors in the stores now).
Who knew buying a dress to match/compliment a stole would be such a PITA? Granted, it's not on the level of buying a dress to match a pair of shoes, but still...
your stole is amazing! check out the award I nominated you for on my blog!
A blue dress would look good with a silver stole. Then you could wear silver shoes too!
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