Saturday, May 20, 2006

2 more FO's

SnB Nation drop stitch scarf in Colinette Giotto Rose Garden
size 11 needles

Yay! I'm over a month ahead of schedule. I'm hoping my next gift scarf will be on time for the August deadline.

And a quickie knit all for me! Ozard Handspun scarf. The label doesn't list a color name or # so I'm calling it the teal/purple multi. Since this colorway was thicker than the x-masy one I did earlier for M, the yardage was much shorter so I had no yarn left for the ear flap ties. I even had to knit the ear flaps 3 rows short so they're more like ear nubbins. But I also cast on much looser too since my first Ozark hat was a bit snug on the edge even with casting on size 19(!) needles. Monkey1, of course, thinks the x-masy one was way cooler, but that just means she won't mess w/this hat of mine. Hee. Mine, all mine! Wheeeee.


M said...

DANG that was fast. I like both! And thank you for a much needed laugh this morning...the bear rocks.

Knittypants said...

I love that hat!