I know not everyone got their kit yet so I've put up a couple non-sock club pics first (still STR though) so don't scroll down too far!
First up - my Monkey Kaw Kaw sock! I used the Channel Island cast on we learned in JC Briar's class at Sock Camp, 'cept I accidently used size 3 (3.25 mm) needles instead of size "1.5" (2.50 mm) needles. I figured it would be okay to just switch to the smaller needles and knit on. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention and didn't switch both circular needles so the first 3 rounds of the cuff are done half on size 1.5's and the other half on size 3's. The difference in gauge was so obviously (tapmouse noted it right away!) but it took me awhile to figure it out 'cause when first compared the diameters of the needles I, of course, grabbed the ones on the same circular. Doh!
And no, all this gorgeous heavyweight STR isn't mine! I volunteered to coordinate one of the charity blankets when Tina asked on the sock club blog. And actually, Tina sent enough yarn for 2 blankets, so I'm plotting to figure out how to get as many SF Bay Area STR knitters (not necessarily just the sock club members) to join in the fun.
Tapmouse and I had fun configuring the 2 blanket combinations and I thought I had them memorized, but maybe not. The fun in it is that it doesn't matter as these 8 colors will be great in any combination of four.
Top row: Little Boy Blue, Sapphire, Love-In-Idleness, and Eggplanted
Bottom row: Mr Green Jeans, Jade, Thistle, and Count Cluckula
So...our May Socks that Rock Rockin' Sock Club kit:
A fabulous colorway and a fabulous design by one of my favorite sock designers! Woohoo!
"Purple Math" anyone?
No she did not send you Little Boy Blue??!!??! How freaking cute is that?! Disco is going to want that for baby stuff (as am I!!!). Goodness. I just sent you and Tapmouse an email saying I'd resist more STR.
And yes, gorgeous gorgeous new club color!
Shiny! I've been eating spoilers and am glad you got yours!
Little Boy Blue is so pretty!!!
And I love the new RSC package. Mine is stuck in the apartment office. I have to liberate it later today.
I loveses that Little Boy Blue! And I guess IrishGirlie *doesn't* have that color, as you had first thought! Ha! She's in trouble now!
I can hardly wait to start on the blanket!
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